Congratulations! You’ve gone through the job search steps, written a great résumé, and had a successful interview. Now you’ve finally gotten a job offer. Now what do you do?
Ask the employer for some time to think about it, even if you want the position. Allow yourself some time to evaluate the position.
However, make sure that you don’t extend your decision for weeks on end, and if you decide not to accept the job, tell the employer as soon as possible.
Some questions you will want to ask yourself while thinking about the job are:
- Do you want to leave your current job?
- Why do you want this job?
- Do you need to know more about the job offer? Are there details that haven’t been given to you?
- Do you want to negotiate your salary?
Make sure that you get the job offer in writing. A verbal offer can be rescinded much more easily than one in writing.
You should also hold off on quitting your current job, turning down other job offers, or making moving arrangements until you have the job offer in writing.