Thursday, November 3, 2011

Understanding Health Insurance Options if You Lose Your Job

As the economy continues to struggle back from the recession, employers are still cutting jobs or at least holding down their hiring levels. That means the strain is continuing for people who have been out of work for many months as well as those who have recently lost their jobs.

Even if your job seems secure for now, it’s a good idea to have a mental game plan for your health coverage if your employment situation changes. Consider the following:

Get some general financial advice right now: While health insurance is one of the biggest concerns for the unemployed, it’s a good idea to take a look at your overall finances if your income is under threat. While you’re still working, talk to a trained financial planner about immediate things you can do to conserve money and protect your investments.


  1. Being unemployed is stressful enough, what more without medical coverage. Getting financial advice is certainly something every working individual should get involved with early.

    Chris from

  2. Hmm, the COBRA is one of the more confusing programs in our healthcare act that we need to understand further. Knowing more about the provisions of this act, especially the more detailed ones, will help us not only understand this privilege, but also maximize the benefits that we can get from it. You can always research about it, and I hope this link will help:

